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 1. Jack Shite  Naked on the Meach (Artemis Strong : David Lynch Mix)  Remix Fight! #42 
 2. Boomstick  Naked on the Meach  SongFight! 
 3. The Jim Tyrrell Trio  Naked On The Meach  Live At Meadowbrook 
 4. Jack Shite  Naked on the Meach  Remix Fight! #42 
 5. Future Boy  Naked On The Meach  Songfight! 
 6. Jack Shite  Naked on the Meach  Remix Fight! #42 
 7. Boomstick  Naked on the Meach  SongFight! 
 8. jack shite  naked on the meach   
 9. Jack Shite  Naked on the Meach (Rinkydink : Moonshine Mix)  Remix Fight! #42 
 10. Jack Shite  Naked on the Meach (Steve-O-Styles : The Last Minute Entry Mix)  Remix Fight! #42 
 11. Jack Shite  Naked on the Meach (DFF Sound System : ao end palate evolution opuscule)  Remix Fight! #42 
 12. Cheryl Sim  Encore (Artemis Strong Sleepy Mix)  Cheryl Sim Remix Fight! 
 13. Ape Club  To The Bottom Of The Ocean (Artemis Strong : The Crappy Mix)  Ape Club Remixfight! 
 14. The Beastie Boys  Check It Out (Artemis Strong : Give Me Yer Best Shot, Pal!)  Remix Fight! #61 
 15. Ape Club  To The Bottom Of The Ocean (Artemis Strong : The Universal Invariant Mix)  Ape Club Remixfight! 
 16. Ajai  Dilruba (Artemis Strong : Ajai vs. Leonard Cohen)  Remix Fight! #49 
 17. Charles Tashiro  23-David Lynch and I  Thinking About Movies 
 18. Charles Tashiro  23-David Lynch and I  Thinking About Movies 
 19. Mulholland Drive David Lynch  David Lynch interview  Mulholland Drive prerelase roundtable interviews 
 20. General Elektriks  David Lynch Moments  Good City for Dreamers  
 21. dr. rek  cary grant on david lynch   
 22. Carlos Del Río y Roberto Ortiz  David Lynch, de nuevo en las pantallas, con El Imperio  CinemaNET 
 23. Carlos Del Río y Roberto Ortiz  David Lynch, de nuevo en las pantallas, con El Imperio  CinemaNET 
 24. DJ Redshirt  Piano Keys (Artemis Strong Keys In The Notes Of Ten Mix)  DJ Redshirt Remix Fight 
 25. Brad Sucks  Bad Attraction (Artemis Strong Worse Attraction Mix)  Brad Sucks On Remix Fight 
 26. Dr. Meg Meeker  CS#60: Dr. Meg Meeker Strong Fathers Strong Daughters  Catholic Spotlight from www.CatholicCompany.com 
 27. Dr. Meg Meeker  CS#60: Dr. Meg Meeker Strong Fathers Strong Daughters  Catholic Spotlight from www.CatholicCompany.com 
 28. Dr. Meg Meeker  CS#60: Dr. Meg Meeker Strong Fathers Strong Daughters  Catholic Spotlight from www.CatholicCompany.com 
 29. Dr Chris Smith / The Naked Scientists  Naked Scientists 06.06.25 - Naked Question and Answer and The Life of Benjamin Franklin  The Naked Scientists Radio Show 
 30. Dr Chris Smith / The Naked Scientists  Naked Scientists 06.11.05 - Naked Science Q&A and Record Breaking Fireworks  The Naked Scientists Radio Show 
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